07:00 - 18:00

28+ Years of Industry Experience

At Starr-Force Holdings LLC, we believe in the power of professional drivers and strong relationships. We don't just partner with ANY driver; our rigorous vetting process ensures that we align with drivers who share our values.

This commitment guarantees that from shipper to receiver, you experience nothing but the best in customer service. At the core of our company lies the belief that relationships should always take precedence over transactions. In a world where personalized service often takes a backseat, we stand firm in our commitment to meaningful connections.

Say goodbye to endless automated helplines and lengthy holds; at Starr-Force Holdings LLC, you'll have direct communication with a dedicated account manager. We prioritize building and nurturing relationships with our partners, knowing that it is these connections that form the foundation of excellence in the transportation industry.

We’re the logistics company to
give you best quality service


Our main services


Do you have a project that requires freight transportation? Look no further; we can help you plan your logistics and provide a non-contract quote.

Recurring Shipments

We offer a trustworthy shipment for both drop-and-hook and regular shipments. Ensuring fast, accurate, reliable, and punctual recurring deliveries

Hotshots/Last Mile Moves

If you have a last-minute freight in need of transportation or you have a carrier who can no longer provide service, we can help. Contact us for a free quote.

Dedicated/Regional Shipment

Are you a warehouse or fulfillment center in need of dedicated services to run regional and local shipments? We can provide a hassle-free quote to ensure the smooth running of your business.
